Link to SoqAlbum without QR codes

If you want to exchange files between two PCs, you may find it difficult to scan the QR code displayed on the SoqAlbum. Even in this case, you can link the PC (or other devices) to SoqAlbum without using the QR code. You can do this in the following ways

Link to SoqAlbum using SQA-link URL

This method is useful in the following cases

  • URL information can be shared with the device to be linked using email or other information sharing tools.
  • When you have a distant acquaintance who cannot see the QR code and you want them to link to SoqAlbum and send you files.
  1. Click on the button below the SoqAlbum QR code and copy the URL to link to SoqAlbum (SQA-link URL).
  2. Share the copied URL with the device to be linked (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) using an email or similar.
  3. In the browser of that device, access the URL you shared; SoqTools will launch and link immediately to SoqAlbum.

As long as the internet is available, SoqAlbum can establish a link from anywhere in the world. When you want to ask a remote friend to send you a file quickly, you can email them SQA-link URL and ask them to send the file via SoqAlbum.

Link to SoqAlbum using Manual Link ID

This method is useful in the following cases

  • You cannot (or do not want to) share URL information with the device to be linked.
  • You have the SoqAlbum screen in front of you, but it is difficult to scan the QR code with the device.
  1. In SoqAlbum, select 'Hamburger menu (top left of SoqAlbum)' > 'Manual Link ID'. You will see IDs divided into four letters.
  2. Open the following URL in the browser of the device to be linked (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.). Enter the Manual Link ID in the form provided at the bottom of the page. The browser will then be taken to the SoqTools page and linked to SoqAlbum.

Using this method, files can easily be exchanged using only a browser, even in an environment where there is no prior preparation at all, such as a brand new computer.