Start SoqAlbum

SoqAlbum is a web app, so you can try it out right now in your browser without having to install anything. No account is required and it is free to use.

Start in your current browser

Click on the "Launch in This Browser" button. You can use SoqAlbum in many browsers on almost all operating systems(supported browsers).

SoqAlbum's screen layout is comfortable to use on devices with relatively large screens (PC/tablet). It can be launched on your smartphone, but you can also launch it on another device by following the instructions below.

Start in another browser or on another PC/tablet

SoqAlbum can be easily run in another browser at the URL below. This URL can also be copied and shared using the button in the box above.

If you transfer this URL to another device (PC, tablet, etc.) by email or other means, you can start SoqAlbum from the browser of that device.

Exchange files with your smartphone or PC

Once SoqAlbum is up and running, you can link your smartphone, tablet or PC to SoqAlbum and start exchanging files. In addition to exchanging file, you can save photos and audio from your smartphone's camera or microphone directly into SoqAlbum.

You can easily link your smartphone or tablet by scanning QR code. It is also possible to link your PC by means other than QR code. Go to the following pages to see the instructions.

Launch SoqAlbum in a single action

There are several ways to launch SoqAlbum even faster. Whenever you want to exchange files, you can launch SoqAlbum in one action and start exchanging files immediately.


After you start SoqAlbum, bookmark it in your browser. Next time you can instantly start SoqAlbum from this bookmark.

SoqAlbum extension (PC Chrome)

If you are using chrome, you can install the SoqAlbum extension from the Google web store. With this extension you can start SoqAlbum by simply clicking on the extension icon. For more information, visit the Google Web Store or click the banner in the box.

Install SoqAlbum on your operating system (PWA)

SoqAlbum is a web app, but it can also be installed and used on the operating system in the same way as normal desktop apps such as word or excel. Web apps installed in this way (PWAs) can be quickly launched by clicking an icon on the desktop or home screen.

To install, open SoqAlbum in Chrome or Edge and click the install icon that appears in the address bar of the browser. For more information, see Google Chrome Help.