Usage of linked smartphone camera

When you launch SoqAlbum on your PC and link your smartphone to it, you can import photos taken with your smartphone directly to your PC. This feature is useful for the following types of use.

Usage 1: Import printed documents and handwritten notes to your PC

  • When you take a photo with your smartphone's camera, the photo can automatically be displayed on the large screen of your PC. You can also zoom in on the screen, making it easy to see even the smallest details of the photo. This will prevent you from realising a missed shot later and having to take another.
  • It is really comfortable to have photos sent directly to your PC without complicated settings. You can even import as many as 1000 photos with ease. If you use a cloud service like Google Photos, it takes a long time and the remnants of the transfer accumulate in the cloud.
  • The camera tool is designed specifically for document capture. For example, the ability to fix the rotation of the camera prevents misorientation when photographing materials on a table.

Usage 2: Import photos from distant locations away from your PC

  • You can send photos from far away from your PC. Even if you take photos of your dogs in the garden where there is no Wi-Fi access, the photos will be sent to SoqAlbum via your mobile connection. It is also easy to collect photos of many pieces of equipment throughout the building. When you return to your PC, all the photos are already neatly stored on the PC.
  • If you send SQA-link URL GoT  to a remote acquaintance, you can link their smartphone to SoqAlbum and have them send you photos directly from their camera.

Usage 3: Let's use it at a party!

  • By launching SoqAlbum on a PC, you can easily link the smartphones of all participants using the SoqAlbum QR code (SoqAlbum can link multiple users simultaneously).
  • Photos taken by someone can be displayed on a large screen on your PC. Let everyone enjoy the photos and share memories.
  • SoqAlbum files can be transferred to SoqTools GoT . If you find a favourite photo taken by someone else, you can save it to your own smartphone on the spot.

How to use the camera tool

First, start SoqAlbum on your PC and link your smartphone to it (how to link).

Tap "Send Photos From Webcam" on your smartphone

Tap "Send Photos From Webcam" in SoqTools GoT  to launch the camera tool. The photos you take will be sent directly to SoqAlbum.

Display photos automatically on your PC screen

Clicking on the "F" icon (top right of SoqAlbum) brings up the preview screen ("First Look"), which automatically displays the latest photo on a large screen whenever a new photo arrives from SoqTools. The photo on the preview screen can be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel. You can easily see the details of the photo.

Sent photos are displayed as thumbnails in the Album tab

The files received in SoqAlbum are listed in the Album tab. Thumbnails are displayed on file cards GoT  of image files, allowing you to see at a glance the photos you have taken so far. If you want to check the contents of a photo, click on the thumbnail to display it on a large screen ("Preview"). Zoom in with the mouse wheel to easily see the details of the photos.

The "First Look" displayed by clicking on the "F" icon and the "Preview" displayed by clicking on a thumbnail are very similar, but each displays a different file. "First Look" always shows the most recent file, whereas "Preview" only shows the file you clicked on the thumbnail for. In "First Look", clicking on the arrow icon takes you to "Preview". In "Preview", click on the "F" icon to go to "First Look".

Download photos automatically with "Auto Download"

If you switch on "Auto Download" (top right of SoqAlbum), files sent by SoqTools will be downloaded automatically. This feature saves you from having to click repeatedly on file cards for downloading. Also, if for some reason SoqAlbum crashes, you don't have to worry about losing your files.