QR code security settings

Linking with QR codes in SoqAlbum is very easy and convenient, but you may not want to leave the QR code displayed in places where other people are watching, such as an office. SoqAlbum allows you to restrict the display of QR codes in the settings. Links to SoqAlbum using the SQA-link URL GoT  can also be restricted according to whether the QR code is displayed or hidden.

Showing and hiding QR codes with the mouse (no setup required)

When starting SoqAlbum in a PC browser, you can easily switch between showing and hiding the QR Code with a mouse click. This switching can be used at any time without any special settings.

  • Right-click on the QR code ⇒ Hide QR code
  • Left-click on the QR code ⇒ Show QR code

Automatically hides the QR code after a certain period of time

If you want to hide the QR code automatically, go to "Settings tab" > "QR Code - Auto Hide Setting" and select 'Hide after a time' (remember to click "Apply" at the bottom of the Settings tab to activate the settings). You can adjust the time before hiding in the menu "QR Code - Time to Hide".

Automatically hidden QR code can be redisplayed by simply clicking on it.

If you select "Always hide", it is no longer possible to link devices by means of the QR code. To link to SoqAlbum in this setting, you must either use SQA-link URL GoT  or use Manual Link ID GoT .

Linking by SQA-link URL GoT  is still possible while the QR Code is hidden; if you want to ban all linking, go to "Settings tab" > "QR Code - Disallow new links while hidden" and switch the setting on.

Exception: new links are permitted under the following conditions

  • The ban setting will be ignored if "Always hide" is selected in "QR Code - Auto Hide Setting". This is because if both linking by QR code and linking by SQA-link URL are banned, there will be no way to link other than by Manual Link ID GoT .

  • Ban on linking is also lifted while the Manual Link ID is displayed on the SoqAlbum screen. This is to accept linking by Manual Link ID.

  • For a short period of time (about 30 seconds) immediately after the QR code is hidden, the link is allowed. This time delay is intentional (not a bug) to allow links that have already been processed before the hiding.